Staff Members
    Welcome to MHT Health Services

    Hello MHT Community!

    I strive to ensure that each child is thriving and growing as a learner by feeling their best while at school. To do so, I work with the student, their families/guardians, and staff to provide health services that support your child's needs and well-being.

    I look forward to providing the best nursing care for your child and, or children.


    Liza Hesquijarosa, MSN, RN

    MHT School Nurse and Health Teacher

    When to Keep Your Child at Home

    The district asks that parents/guardians keep children home from school during communicable phases of illness. If students are sent to school with any of the following, parents/guardians may be called to pick up students from school, at the discretion of the school nurse and, or administrator.

    This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Temperature of 100 degrees F or greater. Students must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication (this means acetaminophen, ibuprofen, etc), before returning to school.
    • Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours. Even if the student appears well, your child should stay at home and may return to school if no vomitting or diarrhea in the past 24 hours. 
    • 24 hours of antibiotic use for strep thoat or bacterial conjunctivitis.
    • Undiagnosed rashes, sores, or other skin ailments that require medical evaluation by your child's primary care provider.
    • Flu-like or Covid-19 symptoms. Please Covid-test your child before they return to school. See Covid Resources in Helpful Links
    • A persistent cough and, or other breathing related problems that is not easily alleviated and requires further evaluation by a medical provider.
    Medications at School

    Over the Counter Medications

    Over the counter medication dispensation in school requires parental or guardian consent via PowerSchool forms, Health Information and Health Authorizations. Over the counter medications will be given as directed on label, unless a medical provider's signed note indicates different instructions and the medication is appropriate to give in that manner.
    Prescription Medications

    Prescription medication dispensation in school requires a medical provider's signed note stating the student's full name, date of birth, medication name, reason for medication, and directions on how to take medication.

    Covid-19 Testing

    At this time, Covid-19 testing will no longer be done at MHT. If you have concerns that your child might have Cold, Flu, or Covid-like symptoms, then it is recommended to either use an at Covid home test or Covid test administered by your child's medical provider.

    Please review the Covid-19 Folder for additional resources under Helpful Links.

    Physical Summary & Immunizations

    Physical Summary

    Every student requires a physical prior to school entry. An updated physical summary will be kept on file for your student.


    All students must comply with the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services immunization requirements to attend school. For more information please the NH DHHS Immunization Requirements link under Helpful Links

    Please upload a copy of your child's physical and immunization record in PowerSchool under form, Health Information.